Dopo il successo del medio-metraggio “Ritornato”, approda in sala al “Grifeo” di Petralia Sottana l’ultimo lavoro di Michael Cavalieri, “La porta dell’inferno”. Il Film è in questo mese di settembre protagonista di un mini tour in Sicilia, prima del debutto americano. Forse non a caso, nell’anno di commemorazione di Giovanni Verga, autore di “Rosso Malpelo” , l’opera tratta di una pagina di storia del passato siciliano ed in particolare delle zolfare che occupavano un vasto territorio nelle province di Agrigento, Caltanissetta ed Enna luogo di sfruttamento di molti bambini.
Il film in presenza dello stesso Michael Cavalieri, verrà proiettato presso il Teatro Cinema “Grifeo” di Petralia Sottana, venerdì 16 settembre alle ore 22:00.
L’attore( in Karate Kid ) incontrerà la stampa e gli spettatori prima e dopo la proiezione che sarà ad ingresso gratuito.
Di seguito alcune notizie dall’Autore
Here’s a log Line about myself: Michael Cavalieri, the Award winning Actor/Writer/Director who’s first film “Ritornato” won the prestigious NIAF grant award returns with his new documentary film “La Porta Dell’Inferno” (The Door to Hell) which recently premiered in Agira, Sicily. We will also be premiering in Sciacca & Petralia Sottana and throughout the rest of Sicily starting August 26th – the end of September. La Porta Dell’Inferno will make it’s USA debut in New York at the Columbus Citizen’s Foundation on October 21st, 2022and in Newark, New Jersey on October 22nd.
Michael was inspired to film this documentary with his own money as a passion project because he was so moved after reading the book “The Man Farthest Down” by the African-American slave and orator Booker T. Washington. Michael’s grandfather Agatino Alibrandi, his hero, who immigrated from Limina, Sicily and the loss of his mother Mary inspires him every day to tell stories of the Sicilian culture.
Michael was made honorary citizen in his hometown Limina & made Town Ambassador for several cities in Sicily because of his passion film work dedicated to the Sicilian culture. Here is a little info about my film:
La Porta Dell’Inferno “The Door To Hell” is a true story of courage, sacrifice and the love of family.
This documentary chronicles the inspirational stories of some of the last surviving men who worked in the sulfur mines in central Sicily. These Marvel super heroes, as I call them, give us a deep insight into the slave-like conditions they were forced to work under by private ownership for many years up until 1963. Their courage, will and determination is the centerpiece of this film as they discuss their families and relentless pursuit to keep them together. There was only one choice they could make if they wanted to keep their families together, it was immigration or the sulfur mines… They all chose the sulfur mines.
Please refer to my website Ritornatothemovie.comfor my bio and other press. Follow my Instagram for updates @laportadellinfernofilm
Our first review:
“The door of hell” beautiful short documentary about the conditions of the operators of the sulfur mine in the ancient locality of Agira and the mistreatment they suffered. Underage workers, children from eight years on that families sold to the mine owners for a loaf of bread. ‘The Caruseddi’ victims of a cruel society and of an infamous fate that often proved fatal for many of them…. The director, @TAG, Sicilian/American, is excellent, who was able to thrill the audience with his very reflective story full of pathos. Congratulations, beautiful video realistic and full of pathos. It aroused me emotion and made me reflect on the fact that nowadays many people complain about their work when in reality it offers them everything they need without any effort.
Updates on Ritornato:
Ritornato was also chosen as the closing night film at the Santa Lucia festival in Carlentini, Siracusa, Sicily on August 29th. (Which received a standing ovation).
It has also been handpicked as the closing night film for the Petralia Sottana Film Festival in Palermo, Sicily on August 5th.